Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Initial Oil Pollution

The first form of water pollution I am working on oil spills on large bodies of water.  I am using a texture that ranges from full alpha, then has an oil color spectrum transitioning into a solid oil fill.  The water grid has variable for oil weight, and when this value is past a certain threshold, it spreads to its neighbors.  This creates slight variation in the size of the transition spectrum, but does not stretch too much and stays at a good level.

Oil Texture

Right now I am using a simple water system that has simple, but efficient updating and movement.  The water grid has the potential to be interactive, and can be implemented so it can be updated with the GPU rather than using CPU cycles, which will be much more efficient and allow for a much more detailed water grid.

This video shows a simple oil spill spreading across the water grid.  The oil is spreading based on the UpSpeed of the waves to make it more varied and not completely linear.  The wind direction forces movement more in the specified direction, but still allows the spread in the other directions as well depending on the magnitude. 

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