Friday, 21 September 2012

Development Cycle II

This semester I will be working on another Directed Studies Project, focusing on refining the existing systems, developing a few new ones, but most importantly focusing on the Organic Motion Camera.

My plan is to create a functional industrial environment utilizing many different systems, showing  to allow users the ability to fully explore the virtual world through the Organic Motion Camera.  I will conduct a user based evaluation of the effectiveness of the camera system, as well as the visual systems.  I will create two sample animations, one using a standard linear camera, and the other using the Organic Motion Camera.  The comparison of these two animations will be another standard of the technical evaluation. 

Using development techniques and the evaluation data, I will write a condensed technical paper explaining my project.  Hopefully I will be able publish this paper through a Graphics Conference, in order to gain more experience, and exposure within the academic field.  Once the paper is submitted, I will post my programs for shared use and development.... Hopefully my systems and tools will be easy enough to use for communal use in games and animations.

After this cycle, I should also be able to quickly create artistic representative industrial models and environments.  I have a lot of project in mind, including a few video games, many educational animations, as well as some visual art installations...  I am taking a break from the normal course calender to focus on personal interest and project development...  I hope to get as far as I can on these projects now for future development through my University education.

To start off, I worked on integrating the previous systems into one working environment. 

Pretty simple, nothing really new, but putting things together really helped to lay a future framework for additional systems.

This summer I was also lucky enough (...with a few detours) to gather a significant amount of documentation and reference footage.  From the industrial forest harvesting opperations in British Columbia, to the Alberta Tar Sands, Rocky Mountain Copper and Coal mines, and Gas and Oil infrastructure in the Southern United States.. I plan to develop basic systems for these processes in the future. 

Here is a short video showing real life examples of some of the additional systems I plan to develop:

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